You will fall in love with the creaminess of this porridge, the pseudo-cereal Amaranth from Central America once cooked will give your breakfast a fantastic texture. Together with Sorghum, also gluten-free, similar to rice is the combination that I love to give me a lot of energy!
Ingredients for two persons:
-80 gr Amaranth
-80 gr Sorghum -pinch vanilla powder
-pinch salt
-homemade Coconut mIlk
-1 tsp cinnamon
-1 tsp cardamom powder or 3 crushed pods
-2 tbsp cocoa powder
-1 banana
-1 orange
-1 tsp maple syrup
-dark chocolate pieces
-hemp hearts
-coconut yogurt

Soak the grains in water overnight, drain and rinse well.
Put in a pot with coconut milk (hear how to?), salt, vanilla and cardamom, cocoa powder.
Cover and let cook for 10 minutes at low flame.
Add some maple syrup, and cover with banana, orange, hemp hearts and a good amount of coconut yogurt.
For a final touch hide some dark chocolate pieces inside, so it melts well!!